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About Dalmia Charitable Trusts

Late Sh.Gajanand Dalmia, founder Trustee of Dalmia Charitable Trusts was born in 1917. In his Endeavour to provide meaningful service to poor, Needy and Community at large has laid foundation of an ambitious project named Seth Murlidhar Dalmia Charitable Trusts and Smt.purni Devi Dalmia Charitable Trusts at SUMANGALAM, The Mall, Amritsar in 1968.He got motivation for Selfless Sewa towards Humanity from Renowned Industrialist and Philanthropist Hon’ble Sh.G.D.Birla, with whom he served Birla Brothers Empire for 50years from 1936 to1986.

The main objects of these trusts are to help & serve the public by providing Medical facilities at Concessional rates or free in deserving cases, Free education to poor students, Aid to Orphanage Homes for the destitute women and widows, Donation to any institution, Society or person carrying on public Chartable objects, Gaushala etc.

The founder Trustee had the vision that Growth is always considered the life line of any Institution/Organization and the same is true with Dalmia Charitable Trustee too. Just as buds and new leaves indicate the beginning of new growth for trees and bushes, new charitable activities introduced from time to time signify the vital transfusion of new energy, ideas, attitudes, backgrounds and view point for our Trusts.

No organization or movement can stand still for long.It must either continue to grow or stagnate and eventually perish. It is an established fact that only by bringing in new ideas/activities, we assure the continued existence of the instiution.Trusts are working with the idea that growth in the activities are its life, blood, the force that enables to continue good work for poor, needy and general public of Amritsar. To support the idea of growth, the founder Trustee laid foundation of an other trust named Gajanand Dalmia Charitable Trusts in 1984.

After the demise of the founder Trusted in 1989, Sh.M.L.Dalmia and Sh.Kamal Dalmia-Managing Trustees and their families took over the challenge to manage & support financially and otherwise the activities of these trusts and to take this great work to new heights which was dreamed by their father. First Clinic –Homeopathic was started in 1991 and there after managing trustees made it a point to start minimum one clinic every year for the next five years.Thereafter,it has always been the priority of the trustees to make up gradation in the existing equipment or add new techniques so as to achieve best results. Presently, these trusts are operating the following seven Clinical Wings:

  1. Homeopathic: Inaugurated by Eminent Lawyer and social Worker Sh. Gobind Ram Tuteja on 14.04.1991 and has General OPD.
  2. Eye: Inaugurated by World Renowned Eye Surgeon Padam Shree Dr.Daljit Singh on 20.04.1992. It has General OPD,minor OT and provides Frames &Glasses to patients.
  3. Clinical Laboratory: Inaugurated by Hon’ble Sh. R.L. Bhatia former Union Minister of state for External Affairs on 17.04.1993. The unit is equipped with CBC Machine-Sysmex KX-21, Erba Chem 5 plus-Semiautomatic Biochemistry Analyzer, Nyco Card Reader, Incubators, Water Bath, Centrifuge Machine, Sample Mixer, Microscope, PC/Printer with Software etc. It has facility for Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Cytology, Histopathology, Immualogy and Microbiology Tests. It is running daily internal controls and is accredited by AIIMS, New Delhi EQAS for haematology and CMC, Vellore EQAS for Biochemistry.
  4. Dental: Inaugurated by Hon’ble Sh.R.L.Bhatia former Union Minister of State for External Affairs on 17.04.1993.the unit is equipped to have tooth coloured fillings with lights cure composite, Ultrasonic Scaler for cleaning teeth, X-ray with RVG to reduce Radiation Exposure time Root Canal Treatment with Rotary System etc.
  5. Allopathic: Inaugurated by param Pujya Bhagat Hans Raj Ji Maharaj on 09.08.1993. It has General OPD, ECG and Nebulizer Facilities.
  6. ENT: Inaugurated by param pujya Sh. Hans Raj ji Maharaj on 01.04.1995. The unit runs OPD Clinic and has facilities for diagnostic nasal, Endoscopy/Minor ENT procedures etc.
  7. Skin: Inaugurated by param pujya Sh. Hans Raj Ji Maharaj on 01.04.1995.It has Minor OT equipped to take TCA for Xanthelesma, Intraregional Therapy, Chemical Peel, Radio Frequency cautery etc.
  8. Bliss Life Skill Clinic: Bliss Developing Life Skills By Mr. Kawaljeet Singh Bal Life Coach. Our mission is to heal people suffering from: Psychological Disorders, Depression Obsessive Worries, Relationship, Challenges, Mental Illness, Fear Psychosis, Substance Abuse, Stress And Anxiety, Negative Thinking, Communication Difficulties, Anger Management, Behavior Disorders and Sex Psychological Disorders.

All the above Clinical Wings are operating under the supervision of operating under the supervision of Doctors having qualification of not less than post Graduation. The average monthly patients treated at these Clinical Wings at subsidized charges are more than 3000.poor and needy patients are treated free and in deserving cases free medicines are also given. Patients who are unable to bear the cost of hospitalization, surgery etc. are treated at various specialized / reputed hospital. Trusts are operating with the moto:

We Treat God Cures


Always do your best, what you plant Now, you will harvest laster

Besides the Medical activities, the Trusts are also organizing Langars on Makar Sankranti, Ram Navami, Guru Nanak Devji Birthday etc. Donations are made to Bibi Bhani Istri Netraheen Kirat and Sikhlai Centre, Shree Marwari Vidyalya, Shahzadanand College, Kusht Ashram, Global Cancer Concern India, lok Mandal, Pingrapole Gaushala,Bhartiya Vidaya Bhawan etc.pulse polio Immunizing Camps are also organized to support the efforts made by the government and Rotary International to eradicate polio not only from India but from the whole world. Trust also had prayer Sessions organized by Shri Ram Sharnam Ashram, Gohana for about 10 years (1992) to 2001).Holi Milan Samaroh has been an annual feature in the trust Premises for the last 18 years.Astrological consultancy Services are also available here.

To support the idea of “Swach Bharat Abhiyan”of our Most Hon’ble Prime Minister of India sh.Narendra Modi, Trusts have constructed toilets in various villages around Amritsar. We are also helping pubic by participating in the maintenance of Dr.Baldev Parkash Public Park at Green Avenue, Amritsar so as to give them fresh pollution free atmosphere.

All the the above clinics are maintained properly are kept very Neat &Clean. All the these Trusts have been granted exemption u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 by the authorities, keeping in view the Sincere and Dedicated Services Towards Humanity by the Trusts.

At last, it is not out of place to mention about the founder trustee that:


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